Indian Navy Agniveer MR Recruitment 2024
Table of Contents
The Indian Navy Agniveer MR Recruitment 2024 Notification has been announced by the Government of India, Indian Navy. Candidates also search it as Indian Navy Agniveer MR Bharti 2024. Apply online for Indian Navy Agniveer MR Vacancy 2024 via our official website Applicants who want to apply for Indian Navy Agniveer MR Notification 2024 should check out the complete details which mention below.
Indian Navy Agniveer MR Recruitment 2024 Short Overview :
Yojana Conducting Body | Government of India, Indian Navy |
Name of the Posts | MR |
Number of vacancy | Approx. 300 |
Application Mode | Online ( |
Category | Govt. Jobs |
Job Location | All India |
Eligibility Qualification | 10th Pass |
Age Limit | Minimum Age – 17.5 Years
Maximum Age – 21 Years Age Between – 1 November 2003 and 30 April 2007 |
Age Relaxation | SC/ST –
OBC – ( |
Salary | Rs.30000/- |
Selection Mode | Written Exam |
Application Fees |
Official Website | |
Start Date for Apply Online | 13/05/2024 ( |
Last Date for Apply Online | |
Exam Date | Notify Soon |
Vacancy Details :
100 (20 for Female)
Eligibility Qualification : (
Agniveer MR :
Candidate must have passed Matriculation Examination from the Boards of School Education recognised by Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.
Age Limit :
Minimum Age : 17.5 Years
Maximum Age : 21 Years
Candidate should be born between – 01 Nov 2003 – 30 Apr 2007 (Both Dates Inclusive)
Application Fee :
- An examination fee of Rs. 550/– (Rupees Five hundred fifty only) plus 18% GST has to be paid by candidate during the online application through online mode by using net banking or by using Visa/ Master/ RuPay Credit/ Debit Card/ UPI.
Vacancy Details As Per Agnipath Yojana :
No. of Vacancy under Agnipath Yojana 2024 |
Force | 1st & 2nd Year | 3rd Year | 4th Year |
Indian Army | 40,000 | 45,000 | 50,000 |
Air Force | 3,500 | 4,400 | 5,300 |
Indian Navy | 3,000 | 3,000 | 3,000 |
- Agniveer (MR) – Chef
You will be required to prepare food as per menu (vegetarian and non-vegetarian including handling of meat products), and accounting of ration. In addition, you will also be trained in fire arms and will be allotted other duties for efficient running of the organisation. - Agniveer (MR) – Steward
You would be required to serve food in the Officers’ messes as waiters, housekeeping, accounting of funds, wine and stores, preparation of menu etc. In addition, you will also be trained in fire arms and will be allotted other duties for efficient running of the organisation. - Agniveer (MR) – Hygienist
They will be required to maintain hygiene in wash-rooms and other areas. In addition, you will also be trained in fire arms and will be allotted other duties for efficient running of organisation
Navy Agniveer Agnipath Yojana 2024 Salary Structure:
Year | Package (Monthly) | In Hand (70%) | Contribution to Agniveer Corpus Fund (30%) | Contribution to corpus fund by GoI |
All figures in Rs (Monthly Contribution) | ||||
1st Year | 30000 | 21000 | 9000 | 9000 |
2nd Year | 33000 | 23100 | 9900 | 9900 |
3rd Year | 36500 | 25580 | 10950 | 10950 |
4th Year | 40000 | 28000 | 12000 | 12000 |
Total contribution in Agniveer Corpus Fund after four years | Rs 5.02 Lakh | Rs 5.02 Lakh | ||
Exit After 4 Year |
- Indian young people whose age is between 17.5 to 23 years can apply in this Indian Navy Agneepath Agniveer scheme 2024.
- Agneepath will allow youth to serve in the Indian Navy for a period of four years.
- The candidates who become Agniveer will get 10% reservation in recruitment in Assam Rifles after 4 years.
- Uttar Pradesh / Madhya Pradesh and other states will also give preference to Agniveer in police department recruitment.
- LIC (LIfe Insurance) : Agniveers will be provided life insurance cover of Rs. 48 Lakhs for the duration of their engagement period as Agniveers in the Indian Navy.
- Agniveer’ Skill Certificate : A skill-set certificate will be given to Aginveer by the Indian Navy after the completion of the time period.
- Leave : Annual : 30 Days, Sick Leave. Medical advice based.
- Every year there will be some kind of benefit in this Agneepath scheme.
Physical Measurement :
- Height : 157 CMS For Male
- Height : 152 CMS For Female
- Running : 1.6 Km in 07 Minutes
- Squat Ups (Uthak Baithak) : 20 Times
- Push Ups : 10 Times
Selection Process
Stage I: CBT Exam for Shortlisting
- All India computer based examination- INET would be conducted for Shortlisting of candidates.
- Shortlisting would be based on marks obtained in the Indian Navy Entrance Test.
- Shortlisting will be carried out in state wise manner. The cut off marks for shortlisting for next stage of selection process may vary from state to state as vacancies have been allocated in a state wise manner.
Stage I: CBT Exam Pattern
- The question paper will be computer-based with a total of 50 questions, each
carrying 01 mark each. - The question paper will be bilingual (Hindi & English) and objective type (multiple-choice).
- The question paper will comprise of two sections i.e. ‘Science & Mathematics’ and General Awareness.
- The standard of the question paper will be that of 10th. Syllabus & sample papers for the examination are available on website.
(e) Duration of examination will be 30 minutes. - Penalty for Wrong Answer: one fourth (0.25) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.
Stage – II (Written Exam, PFT & Medical)
- Candidates shortlisted in INET examination (computer based online examination) will be issued call-up letter for Stage II (written examination, PFT & Initial Medical).
- Stage-II will be conducted in the designated Indian Navy’s centres.
- The syllabus for Stage-II written exam is available on website
- Aadhar Card is mandatory for Stage-II.
Exam Syllabus:-
The Exam Syllabus will be as Follows:
Science and Mathematics :
- Nature of Matter, Universe (Planets/ Earth/ Satellites/ Sun), Electricity and its applications.
- Force and Gravitation, Newton’s Laws Of Motion, Work, Energy and Power.
- Heat, Temperature, metals and Non- Metals, Carbon and its Compounds, Measurements in Science, Sound & Wave Motion, Atomic Structure.
- Mathematical Simplification, Ratio and Proportion, Algebraic Identities, Linear Equations and Polynomials, Simultaneous Equations, Basic Trigonometry.
- Simple Mensuration, Geometry, Measures of Central Tendency (Average, Median and Mode).
- Interest, Profit, Loss and Percentage, Work, Time, Speed and Distance.
General Knowledge :
- Geography: Soil, Rivers, Mountains, Ports, Inland, Harbours.
- Culture and Religion, Freedom Movement, Important National Facts about India, Heritage, Arts and Dance.
- History, Defence, Wars and neighbours, Awards and Authors, Discoveries, Diseases and Nutrition.
- Current Affairs, Languages, Capitals and Currencies, Common Names, Full Forms and Abbreviations.
- Eminent Personalities, National : Bird/Animal/Sport/Flower/Anthem/ Song/Flag/Monuments.
- Sports : Championships / Winners/ Terms/ Number of Players.
Navy MR 02/2024 Recruitment PFT Exam
Event | Male | Female |
Height | 157 cm | 152 cm |
Weight | As per Height | As per Height |
Race | 1.6 Km in 6 Min 30 Sec | 8 Min |
Uthak Baithak | 20 | 15 |
Push-Ups | 12 | – |
Bent Knee Sit-ups | – | 10 |
Important Dates :
- Application Begin : 13/05/2024
- Last Date for Apply Online :
27/05/202405/06/2024 Last Date Extended - Pay Exam Fee Last Date :
27/05/202405/06/2024 Last Date Extended - Exam Date / PET : As per Schedule
- Admit Card Available : Before Exam
Important Links :
Navy Agniveer SSR & MR Form Fill Up Video Link
Navy Agniveer SSR & MR Form Fill Up Video By Mobile
Official Notification PDF For SSR
Official Notification PDF For MR
आपके द्वारा पूछे जाने वाले सवालों के जवाब
अग्निपथ योजना क्या है?
आर्मी, एयरफोर्स और नेवी में भर्ती के लिए रक्षा मंत्रालय ने नई प्रक्रिया अपनाई है। इसे ‘अग्निपथ’ नाम दिया गया है। नए सैनिकों को ‘अग्निवीर’ कहा जाएगा।
अग्निपथ योजना के तहत नई भर्ती कब शुरू होगी?
ले. जनरल अनिल पुरी ने बताया कि अग्निवीरों की पहली रैली 90 दिन के भीतर शुरू हो जाएगी। पहला बैच 2023 में आएगा।
सेना में भर्ती की योग्यता क्या होगी?
सिपाहियों, एयरमैन और सेलर्स की भर्ती होगी। आयु साढ़े 17 साल से 21 23 Years Only For First Recruitment। बाकी योग्यता शर्तें वही रहेंगी जो अभी हैं।
भर्ती के तरीके में कोई बदलाव है?
नहीं। मेरिट आधारित भर्ती होगी।
अग्निवीरों की ट्रेनिंग कैसे होगी? कितने दिन चलेगी?
नई प्रक्रिया में, अग्निवीरों को बेहद टेक्निकल माहौल में ट्रेन किया जाएगा। यह ट्रेनिंग 10 सप्ताह से लेकर अधिकतम छह महीने चलेगी।
अग्निवीरों की नौकरी कितने साल की होगी?
ट्रेनिंग पीरियड मिलाकर कुल चार साल की सर्विस होगी।
अग्निवीरों को कितनी सैलरी मिलेगी?
ले. जनरल अनिल पुरी के अनुसार, पहले साल अग्निवीरों को करीब 4.76 लाख रुपये का सैलरी पैकेज मिलेगा। हर साल इसमें इजाफा होगा। चौथे साल में वेतन बढ़कर करीब 6.92 लाख रुपये हो जाएगा।
चार साल के बाद क्या होगा?
चार साल के बाद, अग्निवीर रेगुलर कैडर के लिए अप्लाई कर सकते हैं। सेना एक बैच के अधिकतम 25% अग्निवीरों को परमानेंट सर्विस देगी। अगर अग्निवीर एयरफोर्स या नेवी जॉइन करने का फैसला करते हैं तो उन्हें खास ट्रेनिंग दी जाएगी।
किसी तरह की पेंशन मिलेगी?
नहीं। मगर ‘सेवा निधि’ का फायदा जरूर मिलेगा। हालांकि इस फंड के लिए अग्निवीरों की मासिक सैलरी का 30% काटा जाएगा। इतनी ही रकम सरकार जमा करेगी। चार साल की सर्विस के बाद ‘सेवा निधि’ में जमा रकम ब्याज सहित मिल जाएगी जो करीब 11.71 लाख रुपये बैठेगी।
अगर सर्विस के दौरान वीरगति को प्राप्त हुए तो?
सभी अग्निवीरों का 48 लाख रुपये का नॉन-प्रीमियम इंश्योरेंस कवर होगा। ड्यूटी के दौरान मृत्यु होने पर 44 लाख रुपये की अतिरिक्त अनुग्रह राशि मिलेगी। इसके अलावा, परिवार को सेवा निधि सहित चार सालों तक सेवा न किए गए हिस्से का भी भुगतान किया जाएगा।
अगर दिव्यांग हुए तो?
जितने प्रतिशत अक्षमता होगी, उसके आधार पर मुआवजा दिया जाएगा। 100% अक्षमता पर 44 लाख रुपये, 75% अक्षमता पर 25 लाख रुपये और 50% अक्षमता पर 15 लाख रुपये दिए जाएंगे।
अग्निपथ योजना में महिलाएं भी होंगी?
सेना प्रमुख जनरल मनोज पांडे ने कहा कि अग्निपथ योजना का उद्देश्य सशस्त्र बलों में भर्ती में आमूल-चूल परिवर्तन लाना है। वहीं नौसेना प्रमुख एडमिरल आर. हरि कुमार ने जानकारी दी कि अग्निपथ योजना के तहत महिलाओं को भी सशस्त्र सेनाओं में शामिल किया जाएगा।
Agneepath Yojana 2024 Important FAQs
1. What is the Agnipath scheme ?
A. It is a pan-India short-term service youth recruitment scheme for the armed forces. Recruits, known as Agniveers, will serve in varied terrains — desert, mountain, land, sea, or air.
2. Who will be eligible to apply for recruitment under the Agnipath Yojana ?
A. The age range to be eligible for the scheme is 17.5-21 years.
3. Can women apply under the Agnipath Yojana ?
A. In future, women will be progressively inducted into armed forces.
4. What is the service tenure granted under the scheme ?
A. Under the Agnipath scheme, Agniveers will be employed for four years and rigorous military training will be imparted to them.
5. How much salary will Agniveers get ?
A. The starting annual package will be Rs 4.76 lakh, which can be increased to 6.92 lakh by the end of service. There will be allowances and non-contributory insurance cover as well.
6. Can Agniveers opt for permanent service in the armed forces ?
A. All Agniveers, after four years, will be offered an opportunity to voluntarily apply for enrolment in the permanent cadre. These applications will be considered based on merit and performance during service. As much as 25% of applications will be accepted.
7. How can I apply for Agnipath Yojana recruitment ?
A. The vacancies and joining process will be made available on the armed forces’ respective websites:
8. What will the training involve ?
A. Training for Agniveers would be on a par with that of the regular armed forces cadres and would involve rigorous military exercises. The training standards would be clearly defined and monitored by the highest authorities in the Armed Forces.
9. When can I apply ?
A. The scheme was announced on Tuesday and the opening of applications is likely to start soon.